Disruptivität des Terrordiskurses

Agonale Aushandlungsprozesse in der Wikipedia


  • Lena Rebhan Universität Duisburg-Essen




digital discourse, agonality, disruption, Wikipedia, terrorism


Terrorist attacks are not still omnipresent, but are becoming more and more omnipresent and a central threat to social order. Most recently, Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 made it clear that peace is a fragile commodity and the boundaries to war are increasingly fading. In this respect, terror has a disruptive effect on existing social orders, but is also characterized by disruption as a subject of discourse itself, insofar as talking about terror proves to be discontinuous and contentious. The analysis of agonal negotiations in the terror discourse presented in this article illustrates this using a discourse excerpt from Wikipedia as an example. It sheds light on concrete platform- and discourse-specific characteristics that cause or result from the disruptive condition of the terror discourse, and thus exposes a special interaction between discourse topic and discourse platform. Although this does not solve the problem of defining terror, it can be further decoded by reflecting on its linguistic and discursive constitution.




How to Cite

Rebhan, L. (2025). Disruptivität des Terrordiskurses: Agonale Aushandlungsprozesse in der Wikipedia. Online-Only Publications of the Leibniz Institute for the German Language, 9, 51–61. https://doi.org/10.21248/idsopen.9.2025.44